


A guide to introducing a non-dairy diet for children

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Recipes, tips and ideas for delicious and easy meals

Dear parents,

Welcome to the most demanding phase of your child's growing up, and that is the introduction of a non-dairy diet! Precisely because we were stressed, we would like to make it easy for you, and share our tips, recipes, ideas and experiences.

This nutrition guide from the 6th to the 12th month contains recipes that are very easy to prepare, and tasty and healthy for the baby. The content clearly emphasizes when which food is introduced into the diet, and why. With the hope that it will be useful to you, and with the desire for your parenting to be carefree and joyful, we dedicate this e-book to all parents of this world.


Healthy, simple and delicious


Quick preparation


Baby food control


Safety in the food you give your baby


Books that are with you at all times


The schedule of foods that are introduced chronologically follows the growth of your baby

Book reviews

Babys first menu #1

Bila sam veoma nesigurna kada sam videla da su elektronske knjige u pitanju. Ja sam starog kova i nemam iskustva sa ovim, ali vi ste me potpuno razuverili. Sadrzajno, konkretno, lepo dizajnirano, a pre svega korisno! Na nama je samo da listamo i da da biramo recepte! Hvala vam za sv, lep pozdrav!

Babys first menu #2

Uz vase knjige ja vise o hrani ne razmisljam, a nocima sam samo o tome razmisljala sa prvim detetom. Hvala vam na ovim remek delima, od ove druge knjige ja pravim rucak za celu porodicu koliko su jela ukusna! Svaka cast! Beba je sve lepo prihvatila, bez ikakvih problema.