


Babys first menu #2

Babys first menu #2

1,000.00 RSD
  • (1 reviews)

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It contains 38 healthy and simple combinations / recipes for LUNCH which helps you introduce
your baby to “gourmet cuisine”.
The concept is conceived as a new dish or its “substitute” every day.
Recipes can be used from 10+ months, if you have previously introduced all the listed
The dishes can be served in bite-sized pieces, but they can also be adapted for the blender - in
both cases the taste is fantastic.

Bebin Prvi Meni-deo

Uz vase knjige ja vise o hrani ne razmisljam, a nocima sam samo o tome razmisljala sa prvim detetom. Hvala vam na ovim remek delima, od ove druge knjige ja pravim rucak za celu porodicu koliko su jela ukusna! Svaka cast! Beba je sve lepo prihvatila, bez ikakvih problema.


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